Sunday, September 28, 2008

Nothing new

It has been a while since I last told you what was going on so I thought that I would update you. For the last couple of week I have been playing on my companies softball team and we are not too good. We were able to win a total of 2 games so we are not that bad. The one thing that has hurt our team is me playing out field, 3rd base and right center. The coach decided to let me pitch because he didn't think that I could drop too many balls. I pitched on Thursday and we were able to win. I struck out the same girl about 3 times and a few other girls but no guys. This is slow pitch so its kind of hard to strike people out. I think that I pitched about 5 innings and I was super tired and stressed out because I always thought that the ball was going to hit me in the face. The final score was 6-5. We were last place playing the first place unbeaten team and we won. Well thats about it for now. I'm sure that Amber will be posting the other stuff that has been going around here at the house. Thanks for reading.


Jen Hancock said...

way to go asian pitcher man! Hope you are doing well! How are you liking the new job?

Jenny (aka the other korean :O)

Travis said...

Well the softball went well but the job not as much. I worked for ZARS for 4 months and then I got layed off because our projects to canceled and taken off the shelves. The company thought best to keep all the V.P.s and Directors. Well now im looking for a job but I have been getting a lot of interviews so that is good. Right now im a dead beat father just staying at home full time.
What have you been up to? Where do you live these days? My old boss use to live by you guys. Did you know a Sara Hotchkiss? You may have known her little sister. How many kids do you have these days?