Sunday, September 28, 2008

Nothing new

It has been a while since I last told you what was going on so I thought that I would update you. For the last couple of week I have been playing on my companies softball team and we are not too good. We were able to win a total of 2 games so we are not that bad. The one thing that has hurt our team is me playing out field, 3rd base and right center. The coach decided to let me pitch because he didn't think that I could drop too many balls. I pitched on Thursday and we were able to win. I struck out the same girl about 3 times and a few other girls but no guys. This is slow pitch so its kind of hard to strike people out. I think that I pitched about 5 innings and I was super tired and stressed out because I always thought that the ball was going to hit me in the face. The final score was 6-5. We were last place playing the first place unbeaten team and we won. Well thats about it for now. I'm sure that Amber will be posting the other stuff that has been going around here at the house. Thanks for reading.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Week in NY

Well it has been a while since I wrote last but I have been a little buzzed from the beer commercial. Many of you know that Amber and I were going to go to New York for our Birthday and our Anniversary. We had a wonderful Birthday and the Anniversary will be great to especially since we will be moving into our house on our Anniversary.
We left for our NY trip on Sunday morning and my wonderful sister in law Lindsay took us to the airport. We arrived on time and was getting ready to board when the Delta guy at the desk ask if 6 volunteers would like to offer their seats so that they could put other people on. Well they were giving out free money so we decided to take the later flight that was only 2 hrs later then our original flight. We wait and board another flight which has a stop in Cincinnati and then off to NY. We arrived in Cincinnati/Kentucky and our flight got canceled. We tried everything that we could be we had to stay in Kentucky for one night. The next morning we flew out of Cincinnati and arrived at JFK airport just in time. I took my first Cab ride to Grand Central Station to check into our hotel.
We went directly to The Late Show with David Letterman. It was a great show with really loud music and it was kind of a small studio but we both had fun.

After the show we hurried to Yankee Stadium to see Ambers brother pitch. We arrived with ample time to get our tickets and get our seats. We arrive at the Will call and the attendant cant find the tickets under Ambers name or my name so we start to freak out but before we can ask another question the attendant starts to say “Next” over and over again until we leave. We go to customer service and tell the guy that Ambers brother is pitching and that he left us tickets. The guy goes back and in 10 seconds he is able to find them. We finally get inside and we have Row 1 tickets. We were up close and personal to the game. I’m sure that you saw us on or Sports Center because we were on the TV the whole game. Please refer to Pics.

After the game we went and did a little touring wither Jeremy. We went to time square and other sights around there. After the little tour we got back to our hotel and its almost 2 in the morning and we are tired.

We woke up the next morning to go see the Today show. We were able to make it on TV but no one was able to see us but I promise I was there. Refer to Pics. After that we just toured around all day looking at stuff and following Jeremy around he was an excellent tour guide.

We arrived at central park and enjoyed the huge park. We walked around for a while and then Jeremy decided to take on the locals at the Chess and Checkers house so we went and rented some bikes and rode them around the park. I never knew that the park was that big. We were riding around it and noticed that we only have 15 min to get the bikes back so we had to hustle to get them back in time. We did miss a lot of the park but we saw it all eventually except for that bridge. We were also part of a daytime soap that was filming too.

While we were walking they had all these fountains and Amber decided to fill up her water bottle. Right after she filled up her water bottle this homeless man came over and decided to wash his clothes in the drinking fountain.

Tuesday was filled with more walking and standing around. We went to the Metropolitan museum and looked at all the stuff. I couldn’t believe that they had that much stuff in there. We had to power walk around the museum to see it all. We then went to the Canal street to look for bags for Amber. We had a wonderful lunch at Little Italy and the food reminded me of my mission.

We returned home and enjoyed a night at a Broadway play. We went and saw Phantom of the Opera. The play was not very exciting because I had no idea what the play was about and I couldn’t understand the actors because all they did was sing the words. Amber felt bad for me because I asked her what it was about at the start of the play but she thought that I was quizzing her so she gave me a short answer. She finally figured out at intermission that I had no clue of what was going on. We then went to Johns pizza across the street from the play house.

Wednesday we went to the baseball field in the morning and took some pictures and had the tour. We were able to go on the field and also where the players sit during the game. Jeremy got some dirt from the infield for Shawn. We then spent the rest of the day shopping and wondering around the town.
I know that this is very long and I should put this in my journal but I think that more people will enjoy it now then later. Plus you can see my amazing pictures.
Thursday we went to the Empire state building which was alright. The skys were not too clear and you couldn’t see that far but, I think that it was worth it going up. We arrived later that night in Salt Lake and my buddy came and picked us up. We are all back and the vacation was great. Amber was able to get her shopping and stuff while I was able to get some autograph jerseys from Derek Jeter and Alex Rodriguez.

If you want to see more of my pictures check them out on my facebook page.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Beer Me RM!

Orioles Magic feel it happen 2008

Who made it to second base yeah Jeremy did, and the Orioles beat the Pirates 9 to 6.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

It has been a year since my last post

Well a lot has been going on since I last reported.  It was kind of weird to see that the last time I posted a comment was a year ago today.  I will try not to disappoint you.  Ok I think that I just might because I’m tired and its only 9:44 pm.  Thank you to everyone that has been writing on my blog and giving me comments I really do appreciate them.

This is what has been going on in the Stephens family.  I worked at ZARS Pharma until December 2007.  Yeah they decided to keep me on for a few more months because they were so impressed with my Technical Writing ability, good thing that I’m studying Chemistry.  Amber started a new job working at an insurance company doing insurance thing like HAS and HDHP.  Yeah I have asked her like ten times what that means and I always forget so if you really are interested check out her blog and ask. 

For Spring Semester 2008 I took 19 credit hours that consisted of 5 upper division labs, so Amber allowed me to go to school full time while she worked full time.  I can say that I did work 3 hrs a week at the HPER as the building manager.  On May 2nd I was able to graduate from the University of Utah in Chemistry.  I will try to figure out how to post some pictures for all to see.  My brother Shawn was able to get his Masters the same day too.  The following day we went to Hawaii to visit her grandmother and family for two weeks.  It was a good mother’s day for all. 

I have since returned and am aggressively pursuing a job and Amber is making sure that I am.  I have applied for jobs in Hawaii, Utah, Oregon, Colorado and even Boston Massachusetts.  I will be sure to tell you if get a job.  Hope that I didn’t disappoint but that is what has been going on.  My next blog will be about my day golfing with Lon I’m sure you will enjoy.