Saturday, June 14, 2008

Beer Me RM!

Orioles Magic feel it happen 2008

Who made it to second base yeah Jeremy did, and the Orioles beat the Pirates 9 to 6.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

It has been a year since my last post

Well a lot has been going on since I last reported.  It was kind of weird to see that the last time I posted a comment was a year ago today.  I will try not to disappoint you.  Ok I think that I just might because I’m tired and its only 9:44 pm.  Thank you to everyone that has been writing on my blog and giving me comments I really do appreciate them.

This is what has been going on in the Stephens family.  I worked at ZARS Pharma until December 2007.  Yeah they decided to keep me on for a few more months because they were so impressed with my Technical Writing ability, good thing that I’m studying Chemistry.  Amber started a new job working at an insurance company doing insurance thing like HAS and HDHP.  Yeah I have asked her like ten times what that means and I always forget so if you really are interested check out her blog and ask. 

For Spring Semester 2008 I took 19 credit hours that consisted of 5 upper division labs, so Amber allowed me to go to school full time while she worked full time.  I can say that I did work 3 hrs a week at the HPER as the building manager.  On May 2nd I was able to graduate from the University of Utah in Chemistry.  I will try to figure out how to post some pictures for all to see.  My brother Shawn was able to get his Masters the same day too.  The following day we went to Hawaii to visit her grandmother and family for two weeks.  It was a good mother’s day for all. 

I have since returned and am aggressively pursuing a job and Amber is making sure that I am.  I have applied for jobs in Hawaii, Utah, Oregon, Colorado and even Boston Massachusetts.  I will be sure to tell you if get a job.  Hope that I didn’t disappoint but that is what has been going on.  My next blog will be about my day golfing with Lon I’m sure you will enjoy.