Tuesday I received a Wheaties shirt from Julian (the coordinator of intramurals). It’s big and orange just like a box of Wheaties. I decided to wear it yesterday because it’s an original shirt and no one has one yet.
This is how my morning went. I woke up around 4:00 am and couldn’t go back to sleep because I had some acid reflux. I tried everything to get rid of the taste but I couldn’t. I tried to lie down but nothing worked. I headed to work around 5:15am to check in, unlock the doors and then come right back home. I unlocked the doors in record time and hurried back home. I went straight to bed and slept for a couple hrs. I woke up at 11 and went to the gym. I returned form the gym and did some homework and played around the house until I had to go to class. I decided to put my Wheaties shirt on to show it off.
In class we always have to get into groups and discuss what we read the week before. I had a few people in the group comment on my shirt and they wanted to know where they could get one. I told them that I got it from intramurals they only have so many shirts. I got done with class and Amber wanted me to go check out her gym in Sugar House. The total time of wearing the shirt was 3 hrs. I did my workout and come back home.
The dilemma that I faced this morning was if I should wear the Wheaties shirt or should I hold off for a few days. I kept telling myself that it was alright and no one would notice because, I wouldn’t see anyone form my class. I been caught a few times wearing the same thing the next day and it always gets weird. I don’t know if I am the only one that does this but I tend to think that I am not alone. I do it mostly with clothes that I wear on Sunday afternoon. Everyone at ward prayer sees me in it that night at 9:00 pm but I don’t see anyone at school. I wear the same clothes to school that I wore Sunday night but, I have to remember to change it again before FHE. I assume that everyone does it because I have caught a few of you doing it but you wont admit it.
This is how my morning went. I woke up around 4:00 am and couldn’t go back to sleep because I had some acid reflux. I tried everything to get rid of the taste but I couldn’t. I tried to lie down but nothing worked. I headed to work around 5:15am to check in, unlock the doors and then come right back home. I unlocked the doors in record time and hurried back home. I went straight to bed and slept for a couple hrs. I woke up at 11 and went to the gym. I returned form the gym and did some homework and played around the house until I had to go to class. I decided to put my Wheaties shirt on to show it off.
In class we always have to get into groups and discuss what we read the week before. I had a few people in the group comment on my shirt and they wanted to know where they could get one. I told them that I got it from intramurals they only have so many shirts. I got done with class and Amber wanted me to go check out her gym in Sugar House. The total time of wearing the shirt was 3 hrs. I did my workout and come back home.
The dilemma that I faced this morning was if I should wear the Wheaties shirt or should I hold off for a few days. I kept telling myself that it was alright and no one would notice because, I wouldn’t see anyone form my class. I been caught a few times wearing the same thing the next day and it always gets weird. I don’t know if I am the only one that does this but I tend to think that I am not alone. I do it mostly with clothes that I wear on Sunday afternoon. Everyone at ward prayer sees me in it that night at 9:00 pm but I don’t see anyone at school. I wear the same clothes to school that I wore Sunday night but, I have to remember to change it again before FHE. I assume that everyone does it because I have caught a few of you doing it but you wont admit it.